Exploring the true Hydro Archon's identity in Genshin Impact

August 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The developer of Genshin Impact has continued to amaze the community with their incredible story-telling and character designs. The arrival of Fontaine continued the ongoing Archon Quest as travelers experienced how the Hydro Nation handles justice. They also met the new Hydro Archon, Furina, right at the start of the 4.0 Archon Quest.

But by the end of Genshin Impact 4.2's main story, Masquerade of the Guilty, we learn that Furina is the fake Archon and Neuvillette is a dragon. Many other major plot twists also surface as the story progresses. All these things have one thing in common: the authority and position of Hydro Archon. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about the true identity of the Hydro Archon.

Who is the true Hydro Archon in Genshin Impact?

Official artwork for 4.2 Archon Quest (Image via HoYovere)

Focalor was the true Hydro Archon in Genshin Impact. Furina was only pretending to be the Hydro Archon for 500 years to prevent the prophecy and save Fontaine. By the end of Fontaine's Archon Quest, Focalor destroyed the Hydro Archon's throne and returned the Hydro element's authority to the Hydro Sovereign, Neuvillette.

Fontaine is no longer governed by a Hydro Archon because such a position no longer exists. Neuvillette has taken over the responsibility to look after Fontaine, while Furina leaves to live a normal life as a human. To understand the series of events that created the confusion, let's discuss the role of each of these Genshin Impact characters.


Furina (Image via HoYoverse)

As revealed in the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V, "Masquerade of the Guilty," Furina de Fontaine is not the actual Hydro Archon. Although she has the same body and spirit as the real one, she has no actual powers in Genshin Impact.

To prevent the prophecy, Furina acted as the "real" Hydro Archon to fool the masses. Focalor also cursed her, making her immortal as long as the Archon's divinity existed. She masterfully performed her task for over 500 years until her fraud was revealed by Traveler, Neuvillette, and other Genshin Impact characters in the courtroom.


Focalor; Second Hydro Archon (Image via HoYoverse)

The real Hydro Archon, Focalor, devised all this to prevent a prophecy that would exterminate all of Fonatine and its people. She was well aware of the original sin and decided to use Furina, her human self, to fool the masses of Fontaine and the Heavenly Principles.

She also created Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale and even assigned Neuvillette as the Chief Justice. The Oratrice's real purpose was to store a large amount of Indemnitium, which she used to execute herself and the authority of the Hydro Archon. This way, Neuvilllette, the current Hydro Dragon, could achieve full dragonhood and reign over all waters in Genshin Impact.

Focalor already knew the prophecy could not be stopped, so she created a scenario that would let the prophecy come true without losing any Fontainians.


Neuvillette was the key to prevent the prophecy (Image via HoYoverse)

For 500 years, Neuvillette has been the Iudex of Fontaine, looking after many trials and making judgments. This was also part of Focalor's grand scheme, where she wanted the Dragon Sovereign, Neuvillette, to learn about humans and their emotions through trials. This later plays a major role after the real Hydro Archon executes herself, returning all the authority to Neuvillette.

As per Focalor's plan, Neuvillete gains a new perception of humans and uses his fully restored powers to save the people of Fontaine.

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